Chapter 3: Software Construction

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Application Programming Interface
Commercial Off-the-Shelf
Graphical User Interface
Integrated Development Environment
Object Management Group
Portable Operating System
Test-Driven Development
Unified Modeling Language

The term software construction refers to the detailed creation of working software through a combination of coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, and debugging. The Software Construction knowledge area (KA) is linked to all the other KAs, but it is most strongly linked to Software Design and Software Testing because the software construction process involves significant software design and testing. The process uses the design output and provides an input to testing (“design” and “testing” in this case referring to the activities, not the KAs). Boundaries between design, construction, and testing (if any) will vary depending on the software life cycle processes that are used in a project. Although some detailed design may be performed prior to construction, much design work is performed during the construction activity. Thus, the Software Construction KA is closely linked to the Software Design KA. Throughout construction, software engineers both unit test and integration test their work. Thus, the Software construction KA is closely linked to the Software Testing KA as well. Software construction typically produces the highest number of configuration items that need to be managed in a software project (source files, documentation, test cases, and so on). Thus, the Software Construction KA is also closely linked to the Software Configuration Management KA. While software quality is important in all the KAs, code is the ultimate deliverable of a software project, and thus the Software Quality KA is closely linked to the Software Construction KA. Since software construction requires knowledge of algorithms and of coding practices, it is closely related to the Computing Foundations KA, which is concerned with the computer science foundations that support the design and construction of software products. It is also related to project management, insofar as the management of construction can present considerable challenges.

Breakdown of Topics for Software Construction

Figure 3.1 gives a graphical representation of the top-level decomposition of the breakdown for the Software Construction KA.