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(Debugging Tools)
(Algorithmic Analysis)
Line 804: Line 804:
be known) in the same category (for the same
be known) in the same category (for the same
===Algorithmic Design Strategies===
The design of algorithms generally follows one
of the following strategies: brute force, divide
and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy
selection. The ''brute force strategy'' is actually a
no-strategy. It exhaustively tries every possible
way to tackle a problem. If a problem has a solution,
this strategy is guaranteed to find it; however,
the time expense may be too high. The ''divide and conquer'' strategy improves on the brute force
strategy by dividing a big problem into smaller,
homogeneous problems. It solves the big problem
by recursively solving the smaller problems
and combing the solutions to the smaller problems
to form the solution to the big problem. The
underlying assumption for divide and conquer is
that smaller problems are easier to solve.
The ''dynamic programming strategy'' improves
on the divide and conquer strategy by recognizing
that some of the sub-problems produced by
division may be the same and thus avoids solving
the same problems again and again. This elimination
of redundant subproblems can dramatically
improve efficiency.
The ''greedy selection strategy'' further improves
on dynamic programming by recognizing that
not all of the sub-problems contribute to the solution
of the big problem. By eliminating all but
one sub-problem, the greedy selection strategy
achieves the highest efficiency among all algorithm
design strategies. Sometimes the use of
''randomization'' can improve on the greedy selection
strategy by eliminating the complexity in
determining the greedy choice through coin flipping
or randomization.

Revision as of 20:07, 27 August 2015

Aspect-Oriented Programming
Arithmetic and Logic Unit
Application Programming Interface
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Computer Emergency Response Team
Commercial Off-The-Shelf
Create, Read, Update, Delete
Computer Science
Database Management System
Float Point Unit
Input and Output
Instruction Set Architecture
International Organization for Standardization
Internet Service Provider
Local Area Network
Network Interface Card
Object-Oriented Programming
Operating System
Open Systems Interconnection
Personal Computer
Personal Digital Assistant
Point-to-Point Protocol
Radio Frequency Identification
Random Access Memory
Read Only Memory
Small Computer System Interface
Structured Query Language
Transport Control Protocol
User Datagram Protocol
Virtual Private Network
Wide Area Network

The scope of the Computing Foundations knowledge area (KA) encompasses the development and operational environment in which software evolves and executes. Because no software can exist in a vacuum or run without a computer, the core of such an environment is the computer and its various components. Knowledge about the computer and its underlying principles of hardware and software serves as a framework on which software engineering is anchored. Thus, all software engineers must have good understanding of the Computing Foundations KA.

It is generally accepted that software engineering builds on top of computer science. For example, “Software Engineering 2004: Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software Engineering” [1] clearly states, “One particularly important aspect is that software engineering builds on computer science and mathematics” (italics added).

Steve Tockey wrote in his book Return on Software:

Both computer science and software engineering deal with computers, computing, and software. The science of computing, as a body of knowledge, is at the core of both. … Software engineering is concerned with the application of computers, computing, and software to practical purposes, specifically the design, construction, and operation of efficient and economical software systems. Thus, at the core of software engineering is an understanding of computer science.

While few people will deny the role computer science plays in the development of software engineering both as a discipline and as a body of knowledge, the importance of computer science to software engineering cannot be overemphasized; thus, this Computing Foundations KA is being written.

The majority of topics discussed in the Computing Foundations KA are also topics of discussion in basic courses given in computer science undergraduate and graduate programs. Such courses include programming, data structure, algorithms, computer organization, operating systems, compilers, databases, networking, distributed systems, and so forth. Thus, when breaking down topics, it can be tempting to decompose the Computing Foundations KA according to these often-found divisions in relevant courses.

However, a purely course-based division of topics suffers serious drawbacks. For one, not all courses in computer science are related or equally important to software engineering. Thus, some topics that would otherwise be covered in a computer science course are not covered in this KA. For example, computer graphics—while an important course in a computer science degree program—is not included in this KA.

Second, some topics discussed in this guideline do not exist as standalone courses in undergraduate or graduate computer science programs. Consequently, such topics may not be adequately covered in a purely course-based breakdown. For example, abstraction is a topic incorporated into several different computer science courses; it is unclear which course abstraction should belong to in a course-based breakdown of topics.

The Computing Foundations KA is divided into seventeen different topics. A topic’s direct usefulness to software engineers is the criterion used for selecting topics for inclusion in this KA (see Figure 13.1). The advantage of this topic-based breakdown is its foundation on the belief that Computing Foundations— if it is to be grasped firmly—must be considered as a collection of logically connected topics undergirding software engineering in general and software construction in particular.

The Computing Foundations KA is related closely to the Software Design, Software Construction, Software Testing, Software Maintenance, Software Quality, and Mathematical Foundations KAs.

Breakdown of Topics for Computing Foundations

The breakdown of topics for the Computing Foundations KA is shown in Figure 13.1.

Figure 13.1: Breakdown of Topics for the Computing Foundations KA

1 Problem Solving Techniques

[2, s3.2, c4] [3, c5]

The concepts, notions, and terminology introduced here form an underlying basis for understanding the role and scope of problem solving techniques.

1.1 Definition of Problem Solving

Problem solving refers to the thinking and activities conducted to answer or derive a solution to a problem. There are many ways to approach a problem, and each way employs different tools and uses different processes. These different ways of approaching problems gradually expand and define themselves and finally give rise to different disciplines. For example, software engineering focuses on solving problems using computers and software.

While different problems warrant different solutions and may require different tools and processes, the methodology and techniques used in solving problems do follow some guidelines and can often be generalized as problem solving techniques. For example, a general guideline for solving a generic engineering problem is to use the three-step process given below [2*].

  • Formulate the real problem.
  • Analyze the problem.
  • Design a solution search strategy.

1.2 Formulating the Real Problem

Gerard Voland writes, “It is important to recognize that a specific problem should be formulated if one is to develop a specific solution” [2*]. This formulation is called the problem statement, which explicitly specifies what both the problem and the desired outcome are.

Although there is no universal way of stating a problem, in general a problem should be expressed in such a way as to facilitate the development of solutions. Some general techniques to help one formulate the real problem include statement-restatement, determining the source and the cause, revising the statement, analyzing present and desired state, and using the fresh eye approach.

1.3 Analyze the Problem

Once the problem statement is available, the next step is to analyze the problem statement or situation to help structure our search for a solution. Four types of analysis include situation analysis, in which the most urgent or critical aspects of a situation are identified first; problem analysis, in which the cause of the problem must be determined; decision analysis, in which the action(s) needed to correct the problem or eliminate its cause must be determined; and potential problem analysis, in which the action(s) needed to prevent any reoccurrences of the problem or the development of new problems must be determined.

1.4 Design a Solution Search Strategy

Once the problem analysis is complete, we can focus on structuring a search strategy to find the solution. In order to find the “best” solution (here, “best” could mean different things to different people, such as faster, cheaper, more usable, different capabilities, etc.), we need to eliminate paths that do not lead to viable solutions, design tasks in a way that provides the most guidance in searching for a solution, and use various attributes of the final solution state to guide our choices in the problem solving process.

1.5 Problem Solving Using Programs

The uniqueness of computer software gives problem solving a flavor that is distinct from general engineering problem solving. To solve a problem using computers, we must answer the following questions.

  • How do we figure out what to tell the computer to do?
  • How do we convert the problem statement into an algorithm?
  • How do we convert the algorithm into machine instructions?

The first task in solving a problem using a computer is to determine what to tell the computer to do. There may be many ways to tell the story, but all should take the perspective of a computer such that the computer can eventually solve the problem. In general, a problem should be expressed in such a way as to facilitate the development of algorithms and data structures for solving it.

The result of the first task is a problem statement. The next step is to convert the problem statement into algorithms that solve the problem. Once an algorithm is found, the final step converts the algorithm into machine instructions that form the final solution: software that solves the problem.

Abstractly speaking, problem solving using a computer can be considered as a process of problem transformation—in other words, the step-bystep transformation of a problem statement into a problem solution. To the discipline of software engineering, the ultimate objective of problem solving is to transform a problem expressed in natural language into electrons running around a circuit. In general, this transformation can be broken into three phases:

  • a) Development of algorithms from the problem statement.
  • b) Application of algorithms to the problem.
  • c) Transformation of algorithms to program code.

The conversion of a problem statement into algorithms and algorithms into program codes usually follows a “stepwise refinement” (a.k.a. systematic decomposition) in which we start with a problem statement, rewrite it as a task, and recursively decompose the task into a few simpler subtasks until the task is so simple that solutions to it are straightforward. There are three basic ways of decomposing: sequential, conditional, and iterative.

2 Abstraction

[3, s5.2–5.4]

Abstraction is an indispensible technique associated with problem solving. It refers to both the process and result of generalization by reducing the information of a concept, a problem, or an observable phenomenon so that one can focus on the “big picture.” One of the most important skills in any engineering undertaking is framing the levels of abstraction appropriately.

“Through abstraction,” according to Voland, “we view the problem and its possible solution paths from a higher level of conceptual understanding. As a result, we may become better prepared to recognize possible relationships between different aspects of the problem and thereby generate more creative design solutions” [2*]. This is particularly true in computer science in general (such as hardware vs. software) and in software engineering in particular (data structure vs. data flow, and so forth).

2.1 Levels of Abstraction

When abstracting, we concentrate on one “level” of the big picture at a time with confidence that we can then connect effectively with levels above and below. Although we focus on one level, abstraction does not mean knowing nothing about the neighboring levels. Abstraction levels do not necessarily correspond to discrete components in reality or in the problem domain, but to welldefined standard interfaces such as programming APIs. The advantages that standard interfaces provide include portability, easier software/hardware integration and wider usage.

2.2 Encapsulation

Encapsulation is a mechanism used to implement abstraction. When we are dealing with one level of abstraction, the information concerning the levels below and above that level is encapsulated. This information can be the concept, problem, or observable phenomenon; or it may be the permissible operations on these relevant entities. Encapsulation usually comes with some degree of information hiding in which some or all of the underlying details are hidden from the level above the interface provided by the abstraction. To an object, information hiding means we don’t need to know the details of how the object is represented or how the operations on those objects are implemented.

2.3 Hierarchy

When we use abstraction in our problem formulation and solution, we may use different abstractions at different times—in other words, we work on different levels of abstraction as the situation calls. Most of the time, these different levels of abstraction are organized in a hierarchy. There are many ways to structure a particular hierarchy and the criteria used in determining the specific content of each layer in the hierarchy varies depending on the individuals performing the work.

Sometimes, a hierarchy of abstraction is sequential, which means that each layer has one and only one predecessor (lower) layer and one and only one successor (upper) layer—except the upmost layer (which has no successor) and the bottommost layer (which has no predecessor). Sometimes, however, the hierarchy is organized in a tree-like structure, which means each layer can have more than one predecessor layer but only one successor layer. Occasionally, a hierarchy can have a manyto- many structure, in which each layer can have multiple predecessors and successors. At no time, shall there be any loop in a hierarchy.

A hierarchy often forms naturally in task decomposition. Often, a task analysis can be decomposed in a hierarchical fashion, starting with the larger tasks and goals of the organization and breaking each of them down into smaller subtasks that can again be further subdivided This continuous division of tasks into smaller ones would produce a hierarchical structure of tasks-subtasks.

2.4 Alternate Abstractions

Sometimes it is useful to have multiple alternate abstractions for the same problem so that one can keep different perspectives in mind. For example, we can have a class diagram, a state chart, and a sequence diagram for the same software at the same level of abstraction. These alternate abstractions do not form a hierarchy but rather complement each other in helping understanding the problem and its solution. Though beneficial, it is as times difficult to keep alternate abstractions in sync.

3 Programming Fundamentals

[3, c6–19]

Programming is composed of the methodologies or activities for creating computer programs that perform a desired function. It is an indispensible part in software construction. In general, programming can be considered as the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code. This source code is written in a programming language.

The process of writing source code often requires expertise in many different subject areas—including knowledge of the application domain, appropriate data structures, specialized algorithms, various language constructs, good programming techniques, and software engineering.

3.1 The Programming Process

Programming involves design, writing, testing, debugging, and maintenance. Design is the conception or invention of a scheme for turning a customer requirement for computer software into operational software. It is the activity that links application requirements to coding and debugging. Writing is the actual coding of the design in an appropriate programming language. Testing is the activity to verify that the code one writes actually does what it is supposed to do. Debugging is the activity to find and fix bugs (faults) in the source code (or design). Maintenance is the activity to update, correct, and enhance existing programs. Each of these activities is a huge topic and often warrants the explanation of an entire KA in the SWEBOK Guide and many books.

3.2 Programming Paradigms

Programming is highly creative and thus somewhat personal. Different people often write different programs for the same requirements. This diversity of programming causes much difficulty in the construction and maintenance of large complex software. Various programming paradigms have been developed over the years to put some standardization into this highly creative and personal activity. When one programs, he or she can use one of several programming paradigms to write the code. The major types of programming paradigms are discussed below.

  • Unstructured Programming: In unstructured programming, a programmer follows his/her hunch to write the code in whatever way he/she

likes as long as the function is operational. Often, the practice is to write code to fulfill a specific utility without regard to anything else. Programs written this way exhibit no particular structure—thus the name “unstructured programming.” Unstructured programming is also sometimes called ad hoc programming.

  • Structured/Procedural/ Imperative Programming: A hallmark of structured programming is the use of well-defined control structures, including procedures (and/or functions) with each procedure (or function) performing a specific task. Interfaces exist between procedures to facilitate correct and smooth calling operations of the programs. Under structured programming, programmers often follow established protocols and rules of thumb when writing code. These protocols and rules can be numerous and cover almost the entire scope of programming—ranging from the simplest issue (such as how to name variables, functions, procedures, and so forth) to more complex issues (such as how to structure an interface, how to handle exceptions, and so forth).
  • Object-Oriented Programming: While procedural programming organizes programs around procedures, object-oriented programming (OOP)

organize a program around objects, which are abstract data structures that combine both data and methods used to access or manipulate the data. The primary features of OOP are that objects representing various abstract and concrete entities are created and these objects interact with each other to collectively fulfill the desired functions.

  • Aspect-Oriented Programming: Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that is built on top of OOP. AOP aims to isolate secondary or supporting functions from the main program’s business logic by focusing on the cross sections (concerns) of the objects. The primary motivation for AOP is to resolve the object tangling and scattering associated with OOP, in which the interactions among objects become very complex. The essence of AOP is the greatly emphasized separation of concerns, which separates noncore functional concerns or logic into various aspects.
  • Functional Programming: Though less popular, functional programming is as viable as the other paradigms in solving programming problems. In functional programming, all computations are treated as the evaluation of mathematical functions. In contrast to the imperative programming that emphasizes changes in state, functional programming emphasizes the application of functions, avoids state and mutable data, and provides referential transparency.

4 Programming Language Basics

[4, c6]

Using computers to solve problems involves programming—which is writing and organizing instructions telling the computer what to do at each step. Programs must be written in some programming language with which and through which we describe necessary computations. In other words, we use the facilities provided by a programming language to describe problems, develop algorithms, and reason about problem solutions. To write any program, one must understand at least one programming language.

4.1 Programming Language Overview

A programming language is designed to express computations that can be performed by a computer. In a practical sense, a programming language is a notation for writing programs and thus should be able to express most data structures and algorithms. Some, but not all, people restrict the term “programming language” to those languages that can express all possible algorithms.

Not all languages have the same importance and popularity. The most popular ones are often defined by a specification document established by a well-known and respected organization. For example, the C programming language is specified by an ISO standard named ISO/IEC 9899. Other languages, such as Perl and Python, do not enjoy such treatment and often have a dominant implementation that is used as a reference.

4.2 Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages

Just like natural languages, many programming languages have some form of written specification of their syntax (form) and semantics (meaning). Such specifications include, for example, specific requirements for the definition of variables and constants (in other words, declaration and types) and format requirements for the instructions themselves.

In general, a programming language supports such constructs as variables, data types, constants, literals, assignment statements, control statements, procedures, functions, and comments. The syntax and semantics of each construct must be clearly specified.

4.3 Low-Level Programming Languages

Programming language can be classified into two classes: low-level languages and high-level languages. Low-level languages can be understood by a computer with no or minimal assistance and typically include machine languages and assembly languages. A machine language uses ones and zeros to represent instructions and variables, and is directly understandable by a computer. An assembly language contains the same instructions as a machine language but the instructions and variables have symbolic names that are easier for humans to remember.

Assembly languages cannot be directly understood by a computer and must be translated into a machine language by a utility program called an assembler. There often exists a correspondence between the instructions of an assembly language and a machine language, and the translation from assembly code to machine code is straightforward. For example, “add r1, r2, r3” is an assembly instruction for adding the content of register r2 and r3 and storing the sum into register r1. This instruction can be easily translated into machine code “0001 0001 0010 0011.” (Assume the operation code for addition is 0001, see Figure 13.2). One common trait shared by these two types of language is their close association with the specifics of a type of computer or instruction set architecture (ISA).

Figure 13.2: Assembly-to-Binary Translations

4.4 High-Level Programming Languages

A high-level programming language has a strong abstraction from the details of the computer’s ISA. In comparison to low-level programming languages, it often uses natural-language elements and is thus much easier for humans to understand. Such languages allow symbolic naming of variables, provide expressiveness, and enable abstraction of the underlying hardware. For example, while each microprocessor has its own ISA, code written in a high-level programming language is usually portable between many different hardware platforms. For these reasons, most programmers use and most software are written in high-level programming languages. Examples of high-level programming languages include C, C++, C#, and Java.

4.5 Declarative vs. Imperative Programming Languages

Most programming languages (high-level or lowlevel) allow programmers to specify the individual instructions that a computer is to execute. Such programming languages are called imperative programming languages because one has to specify every step clearly to the computer. But some programming languages allow programmers to only describe the function to be performed without specifying the exact instruction sequences to be executed. Such programming languages are called declarative programming languages. Declarative languages are high-level languages. The actual implementation of the computation written in such a language is hidden from the programmers and thus is not a concern for them.

The key point to note is that declarative programming only describes what the program should accomplish without describing how to accomplish it. For this reason, many people believe declarative programming facilitates easier software development. Declarative programming languages include Lisp (also a functional programming language) and Prolog, while imperative programming languages include C, C++, and JAVA.

5 Debugging Tools and Techniques

[3, c23]

Once a program is coded and compiled (compilation will be discussed in section 10), the next step is debugging, which is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs or faults in a program. The purpose of debugging is to find out why a program doesn’t work or produces a wrong result or output. Except for very simple programs, debugging is always necessary.

5.1 Types of Errors

When a program does not work, it is often because the program contains bugs or errors that can be either syntactic errors, logical errors, or data errors. Logical errors and data errors are also known as two categories of “faults” in software engineering terminology (see topic 1.1, Testing-Related Terminology, in the Software Testing KA).

  • Syntax errors are simply any error that prevents the translator (compiler/interpreter) from successfully parsing the statement. Every statement in a program must be parse-able before its meaning can be understood and interpreted (and,therefore, executed). In high-level programming languages, syntax errors are caught during the compilation or translation from the high-level language into machine code. For example, in the C/C++ programming language, the statement “123=constant;” contains a syntax error that will be caught by the compiler during compilation.
  • Logic errors are semantic errors that result in incorrect computations or program behaviors. Your program is legal, but wrong! So the results do not match the problem statement or user expectations. For example, in the C/C++ programming language, the inline function “int f(int x) {return f(x-1);}” for computing factorial x! is legal but logically incorrect. This type of error cannot be caught by a compiler during compilation and is often discovered through tracing the execution of the program (Modern static checkers do identify some of these errors. However, the point remains that these are not machine checkable in general).
  • Data errors are input errors that result either in input data that is different from what the program expects or in the processing of wrong data.

5.2 Debugging Techniques

Debugging involves many activities and can be static, dynamic, or postmortem. Static debugging usually takes the form of code review, while dynamic debugging usually takes the form of tracing and is closely associated with testing. Postmortem debugging is the act of debugging the core dump (memory dump) of a process. Core dumps are often generated after a process has terminated due to an unhandled exception. All three techniques are used at various stages of program development.

The main activity of dynamic debugging is tracing, which is executing the program one piece at a time, examining the contents of registers and memory, in order to examine the results at each step. There are three ways to trace a program.

  • Single-stepping: execute one instruction at a time to make sure each instruction is executed correctly. This method is tedious but

useful in verifying each step of a program.

  • Breakpoints: tell the program to stop executing when it reaches a specific instruction. This technique lets one quickly execute

selected code sequences to get a high-level overview of the execution behavior.

  • Watch points: tell the program to stop when a register or memory location changes or when it equals to a specific value. This technique is useful when one doesn’t know where or when a value is changed and when this value change likely causes the error.

5.3 Debugging Tools

Debugging can be complex, difficult, and tedious. Like programming, debugging is also highly creative (sometimes more creative than programming). Thus some help from tools is in order. For dynamic debugging, debuggers are widely used and enable the programmer to monitor the execution of a program, stop the execution, restart the execution, set breakpoints, change values in memory, and even, in some cases, go back in time.

For static debugging, there are many static code analysis tools, which look for a specific set of known problems within the source code. Both commercial and free tools exist in various languages. These tools can be extremely useful when checking very large source trees, where it is impractical to do code walkthroughs. The UNIX lint program is an early example.

6 Data Structure and Representation

[5, s2.1–2.6]

Programs work on data. But data must be expressed and organized within computers before being processed by programs. This organization and expression of data for programs’ use is the subject of data structure and representation. Simply put, a data structure tries to store and organize data in a computer in such a way that the data can be used efficiently. There are many types of data structures and each type of structure is suitable for some kinds of applications. For example, B/ B+ trees are well suited for implementing massive file systems and databases.

6.1 Data Structure Overview

Data structures are computer representations of data. Data structures are used in almost every program. In a sense, no meaningful program can be constructed without the use of some sort of data structure. Some design methods and programming languages even organize an entire software system around data structures. Fundamentally, data structures are abstractions defined on a collection of data and its associated operations.

Often, data structures are designed for improving program or algorithm efficiency. Examples of such data structures include stacks, queues, and heaps. At other times, data structures are used for conceptual unity (abstract data type), such as the name and address of a person. Often, a data structure can determine whether a program runs in a few seconds or in a few hours or even a few days.

From the perspective of physical and logical ordering, a data structure is either linear or nonlinear. Other perspectives give rise to different classifications that include homogeneous vs. heterogeneous, static vs. dynamic, persistent vs. transient, external vs. internal, primitive vs. aggregate, recursive vs. nonrecursive; passive vs. active; and stateful vs. stateless structures.

6.2 Types of Data Structure

As mentioned above, different perspectives can be used to classify data structures. However, the predominant perspective used in classification centers on physical and logical ordering between data items. This classification divides data structures into linear and nonlinear structures. Linear structures organize data items in a single dimension in which each data entry has one (physical or logical) predecessor and one successor with the exception of the first and last entry. The first entry has no predecessor and the last entry has no successor. Nonlinear structures organize data items in two or more dimensions, in which case one entry can have multiple predecessors and successors. Examples of linear structures include lists, stacks, and queues. Examples of nonlinear structures include heaps, hash tables, and trees (such as binary trees, balance trees, B-trees, and so forth).

Another type of data structure that is often encountered in programming is the compound structure. A compound data structure builds on top of other (more primitive) data structures and, in some way, can be viewed as the same structure as the underlying structure. Examples of compound structures include sets, graphs, and partitions. For example, a partition can be viewed as a set of sets.

6.3 Operations on Data Structures

All data structures support some operations that produce a specific structure and ordering, or retrieve relevant data from the structure, store data into the structure, or delete data from the structure. Basic operations supported by all data structures include create, read, update, and delete (CRUD).

  • Create: Insert a new data entry into the structure.
  • Read: Retrieve a data entry from the structure.
  • Update: Modify an existing data entry.
  • Delete: Remove a data entry from the structure.

Some data structures also support additional operations:

  • Find a particular element in the structure.
  • Sort all elements according to some ordering.
  • Traverse all elements in some specific order.
  • Reorganize or rebalance the structure.

Different structures support different operations with different efficiencies. The difference between operation efficiency can be significant. For example, it is easy to retrieve the last item inserted into a stack, but finding a particular element within a stack is rather slow and tedious.

7 Algorithms and Complexity

[5, s1.1–1.3, s3.3–3.6, s4.1–4.8, s5.1–5.7, s6.1–6.3, s7.1–7.6, s11.1, s12.1]

Programs are not random pieces of code: they are meticulously written to perform user-expected actions. The guide one uses to compose programs are algorithms, which organize various functions into a series of steps and take into consideration the application domain, the solution strategy, and the data structures being used. An algorithm can be very simple or very complex.

7.1 Overview of Algorithms

Abstractly speaking, algorithms guide the operations of computers and consist of a sequence of actions composed to solve a problem. Alternative definitions include but are not limited to:

  • An algorithm is any well-defined computational procedure that takes some value or set of values as input and produces some value or set of values as output.
  • An algorithm is a sequence of computational steps that transform the input into the output.
  • An algorithm is a tool for solving a well specified computation problem.

Of course, different definitions are favored by different people. Though there is no universally accepted definition, some agreement exists that an algorithm needs to be correct, finite (in other words, terminate eventually or one must be able to write it in a finite number of steps), and unambiguous.

7.2 Attributes of Algorithms

The attributes of algorithms are many and often include modularity, correctness, maintainability, functionality, robustness, user-friendliness (i.e. easy to be understood by people), programmer time, simplicity, and extensibility. A commonly emphasized attribute is “performance” or “efficiency” by which we mean both time and resource-usage efficiency while generally emphasizing the time axis. To some degree, efficiency determines if an algorithm is feasible or impractical. For example, an algorithm that takes one hundred years to terminate is virtually useless and is even considered incorrect.

7.3 Algorithmic Analysis

Analysis of algorithms is the theoretical study of computer-program performance and resource usage; to some extent it determines the goodness of an algorithm. Such analysis usually abstracts away the particular details of a specific computer and focuses on the asymptotic, machine-independent analysis.

There are three basic types of analysis. In worst-case analysis, one determines the maximum time or resources required by the algorithm on any input of size n. In average-case analysis, one determines the expected time or resources required by the algorithm over all inputs of size n; in performing average-case analysis, one often needs to make assumptions on the statistical distribution of inputs. The third type of analysis is the best-case analysis, in which one determines the minimum time or resources required by the algorithm on any input of size n. Among the three types of analysis, average-case analysis is the most relevant but also the most difficult to perform.

Besides the basic analysis methods, there are also the amortized analysis, in which one determines the maximum time required by an algorithm over a sequence of operations; and the competitive analysis, in which one determines the relative performance merit of an algorithm against the optimal algorithm (which may not be known) in the same category (for the same operations).

7.4 Algorithmic Design Strategies

The design of algorithms generally follows one of the following strategies: brute force, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy selection. The brute force strategy is actually a no-strategy. It exhaustively tries every possible way to tackle a problem. If a problem has a solution, this strategy is guaranteed to find it; however, the time expense may be too high. The divide and conquer strategy improves on the brute force strategy by dividing a big problem into smaller, homogeneous problems. It solves the big problem by recursively solving the smaller problems and combing the solutions to the smaller problems to form the solution to the big problem. The underlying assumption for divide and conquer is that smaller problems are easier to solve.

The dynamic programming strategy improves on the divide and conquer strategy by recognizing that some of the sub-problems produced by division may be the same and thus avoids solving the same problems again and again. This elimination of redundant subproblems can dramatically improve efficiency.

The greedy selection strategy further improves on dynamic programming by recognizing that not all of the sub-problems contribute to the solution of the big problem. By eliminating all but one sub-problem, the greedy selection strategy achieves the highest efficiency among all algorithm design strategies. Sometimes the use of randomization can improve on the greedy selection strategy by eliminating the complexity in determining the greedy choice through coin flipping or randomization.